Wednesday, 2 January 2019

January 2 2019 Global Communism never went away.............they just rebranded! (revised)

Our daily Breadth................................... $NYSE The Big Scoreboard dah Bulls! dah Bears! Draw This Weeks Scoreboard dah Bulls! dah Bears! Draw

Reality Check

helps to understand your cycles as well

Friday, 28 December 2018

December 28 2018 $NYSE reaccumulation pattern or trading range?

Our daily Breadth................................... $NYSE The Big Scoreboard dah Bulls! dah Bears! Draw This Weeks Scoreboard dah Bulls! dah Bears! Draw

Thursday, 27 December 2018

December 27 2018 VIX volatility hahahahahahaha just you wait!

Our daily Breadth................................... $NYSE The Big Scoreboard dah Bulls! dah Bears! Draw This Weeks Scoreboard dah Bulls! dah Bears! Draw


Thursday, 20 December 2018

Weekend Wrap Up Dec 20 2018 watch out for falling pianos what happens when there is a truck load?

Our daily Breadth................................... $NYSE The Big Scoreboard dah Bulls! dah Bears! Draw This Weeks Scoreboard dah Bulls! dah Bears! Draw

looks like a Camel with a bleeding nose!

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Special Interest- $WTI

Our daily Breadth................................... $NYSE The Big Scoreboard


Thursday, 25 October 2018

"Cum grano salinus, cui bono?" - taken with a grain of salt who benefits. Democrats False Flag

Our daily Breadth................................... $NYSE The Big Scoreboard

just ask yourself this why why why would anybody from the right extreme or otherwise, send a bomb to the Democrats and the left?

the right are in control the deep state is on notice and the Democrats are imploding on their own.

Who the fuck cares about a ship of fools and where they sail?

Why the ship of fools of course.

The right has everything to gain by NOT reacting to the lefts provocation.  In this day and age you don't need to send such a primitive device to do the job you can use exploding drone.

so what earthly reason would the right have to bomb the left now
- Maxine Water = loser
- Soros = loser just look at his creepy offspring
- Clintons OMG = loser

it doesn't make any sense to attack people that are already circling the drain!

Friday, 12 October 2018

Weekend Wrap Oct 12 2018

Our daily Breadth................................... $NYSE The Big Scoreboard

when the blood is up to your knees..........Buy!
Sir John Templeton