Friday, 1 July 2016

July 1 2016 Canada Day

Our Daily Breadth.......

continue follow through  4 days in a row we are due for a pull back

Market Breadth
Issues Number %
Advancing 443 90
Declining 50 10
Unchanged 1 0
Total 494 100
As of Fri Jul 1, 2016 10:08 PM EDT
The fraction of the overall market that is participating in the market's up or down move.
Market Volume
Issues Amount %
Advancing 2,475,158,825 88
Declining 316,984,092 11
Unchanged 8,554,291 0
Total 2,800,697,208 100
As of Fri Jul 1, 2016 10:08 PM
The volume of today's trading that is participating in the market's up or down move.
New Highs and Lows
Issues Number %
52-week highs 6 1
52-week lows 1 0
Total 494 100
As of Fri Jul 1, 2016 10:08 PM
The number of stocks in the index reaching a new 52-week high or low today.


Gold / Dow - "3 possible scenarios "

I was taught that in order to understand where things are going you have to look at historical values and ratios exhibited at bottoms and tops

Historically a Bottom in the Dow Bear will be indicate by a Ratio of 1:1 or 2: 1 in other words a Bottom is indicated when the ratio between $GOLD and DOW is either one of these 2 ratios or permutation of that.

So .............
Scenario 1

Dow Down / Gold Up

Dow Holds  / Gold Up

Down Down / Gold Holds

some where between DOW $17949 and Gold $1344 lies the truth only time will tell and fore warned is fore armed.

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