Sunday, 4 December 2016


Our daily Breadth................................... $SPX

Dear Friends,

 I don't understand why this happens but it does happen. 

 A company makes a great product and because they have more money than brains and because they have a bunch of 2"0" something mentally retarded brainiacs that "think" they can make things "better" sitting around sucking their thumbs that they had stuck up thier snowflake asses they fuck up a very good tool and render it next to useless. 

Whats worse there is nothing on the market that can do the job.

So we are now stuck with a next to useless charting program that ha removed the most important tool of all..................empty space.

empty space to project into the future with
empty space to write note in
empty space to see if our calculations are correct

there must be a very very very big crash coming because this always happens before the wheels come off the train. 

But we will make do with what we have and have fun and make money on the process



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